?Popcorntime The Princess Bride Movie Watch

The Princess Bride ∫Popcorntime




Release Date: 1987

Return to a time when men and swamps were swamps. Fire Swamps, that is. Full of quicksand and Rodents of Unusual Size. Lagoons were inhabited by shrieking eels. And the most beautiful woman in the world was named . . . Buttercup? Well, it"s a bent fairy tale. Complete with all the fencing, chasing, escapes, and silly accents you"d expect. Including such unique folk as Inigo Montoya, who has dreamed his whole life of finding the six-fingered man who killed his father. Fezzik is his enormous sidekick. And Max is the kvetching miracle man. Blonde Buttercup loves Westley, a poor stable boy. But when he"s captured by pirates, she"s chosen by evil Prince Humperdinck to be his princess bride. Along the way, she gets kidnapped, he gets killed. But it all ends up okay

genre: Family

Creator: William Goldman

runtime: 98 Minutes

tomatometers: 8,3 of 10 Stars





We all knew what number one was going to be. @ilovecroc12 he/she is probably just shy dont worry XP. On of the best Billy Crystal roles. Also we can movie The Princess Bride to watch online on Android, iPhone and iPad for free. Andre the giant rip wwe legend.

God I LOVE THIS MOVIE. I saw this movie when I was 8 years old. I"m almost 40 now and I have yet to see a one on one duel which tops the sheer class, ability, and grace of Mandy Patinkin and Carrey Elwes. Still the most amazing classical sword fight I"ve ever seen. And I grew up watching the likes of Errol Flynn and Basil Rathbone. The intent of the H.264/AVC project was to create a standard capable of providing good video quality at substantially lower bit rates than previous standards.


The moment I saw Andre The Giant in the film I was hooked. Huge wrestling fan back in the day. #24: “Is this a kissing book?”. During all the kissing scenes all I can think is how luck Buttercup is... I envy her... RIP Giant of Ages. Loved this movie! I agree, NO ONE SHOULD EVER ATTEMPT A REMAKE OF THIS. The guy who played Inigo (Mandy Patinkin) got to CHOOSE which part he wanted in this movie. He chose Inigo because he felt a connection to the character; Inigo lost his father, Patinkin lost his father. he also said that in the scene where he finally kills Count Rugen, he felt like he was killing the cancer that took his father"s life.

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